Got Demons?
Nightmares without explanation?
Feel like someone's watching you, or there is an evil presence in your life or home? Random dark or negative thoughts/voices come out of nowhere? Negative impulses, anxiety or feelings that you cannot explain? You are NOT crazy, but you just might have demonic forces attempting to influence you! |
Demonic Forces Influence Many People |
Demons are the Energetic Microorganism |
Demonic forces are unseen to the eye, but are all around us. They are most attracted to negativity, but they can be drawn to anyone given the opportunity. When we indulge in negative thought patterns or allow ourselves to rage on the road we are inviting negative energies into our lives. Take stock of your life - in what ways do you allow negativity into your life? This could be in the form of not dealing with past traumas, engaging in risky negative behavior, inviting negative people into your life, not taking care of yourself in the way of using mind altering drugs/drinking to excess, or indulging in negative thought or emotional patterns.
Keeping Them GoneThe ability to keep these negative forces out of your life depends largely on you. Darkness is attracted to the darkness within ourselves and the traumas we carry around with us. Begin to work on the traumas from the past, don't allow negative people to be in your life, and don't engage in activities that lower your natural defenses such as using mind altering drugs or drinking to excess. Meditate, and focus on nurturing positive thoughts - we may not be able to control our first thought, but we can certainly control our second and third. Darkness attracts darkness, so do everything you can to fill your life with Light and Love.
Each session includes deep energetic healing as well as a clearing. The healing works to address the causes that allowed the attachment in the first place. Though each of us owns the responsibility to keep ourselves energetically healthy, I work the the Aspects of Healing described on our healing page to get each client to a place of energetic health.
Healing Page: |
It is commonly accepted that there are tiny invisible (to the eye) organisms (microorganisms) that can exist in your body, and when they are present in large number they cause physical illness. If you do not stay physically healthy, these organisms can take hold causing illness. We commonly recognize these symptoms as being sick or having a cold.
In the same way, there are energetic organisms that feed off unhealthy aspects of your energetic body; such as past traumas, negative thought and emotional patterns, or engaging in negative behaviors and activities which open you up to letting these beings into your energetic system. Just in the same way the physical microorganisms feed off the unhealthy parts of your physical body, the energetic organisms feed off the unhealthy parts of your energetic body. Most people just don’t recognize the symptoms of energetic illness, so we assume it’s some physical illness. Energetic HygieneI teach Energetic Hygiene to all of my clients with their consultation/clearing/healing session. Energetic Hygiene is the ability to keep yourself clear of negative energy on a daily basis. Imagine how often you wash your hands when going through you day. Each time you touch something that may be infected with microorganisms it's considered good hygiene to wash your hands because you can easily get yourself sick without it. Energetic handwashing is much the same thing. When you come into contact with negative energies it's prudent to energetically wash your hands multiple times per day to maintain a healthy energetic field else you may become energetically "sick".
Symptoms of Energetic/Demonic Attachment